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Sunday, February 12, 2017

The aftermath of "Reconstruction" is reoccurring in a American Sisyphean nightmare. Republicans Hold On to a Myth to Hold On to Power - The New York Times


 "Given the increased political power Republicans won in the last elections, from Washington to red-state legislatures, voters might expect the party to feel that the nation’s voting procedures are working quite well. Yet this is far from the case, as triumphant Republicans are using their enhanced clout to continue their campaign playing up the mythical threat that voter fraud abounds in the nation.
The newest and loudest zealot in this cause is, of course, President Trump, with his scurrilous claim that millions of illegal ballots cost him a popular vote majority. His baseless claim only encourages the renewed efforts at voter suppression reported to be underway in a score of Republican-dominated statehouses intent on making it harder for citizens to register or vote. "


Republicans Hold On to a Myth to Hold On to Power - The New York Times


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