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Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Obama announces "the next great American project" - CBS News

Touting the economic as well as scientific benefits of investing in basic research, President Obama Tuesday unveiled a new initiative to study the human brain that he called "the next great American project."

Obama: Brain initiative is "the next great American project"

"Ideas are what power our economy," Mr. Obama said at an event in the East Room of the White House. "We've been a nation of dreamers and risk takers. We do innovation better than anybody else, and that makes our economy stronger."
In his proposed 2014 budget, Mr. Obama will call for investing $100 million to launch the BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) Initiative -- a project to speed up the development and application of technologies that will help researchers create dynamic brain imaging, in order to learn how individual brain cells and complex neural circuits interact.

Obama announces "the next great American project" - CBS News

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