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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Opinion: Sen. Cruz might face birther problem, isn’t that ironic?

Opinion: Sen. Cruz might face birther problem, isn’t that ironic?: "I don’t even know how to react to the ‘renewed buzz’ that Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz was born in Canada, but I will try my best, because as natural-born American citizen from Puerto Rico, I demand answers. This all started when FOX’s Carl Cameron said on March 8 that Cruz would not be eligible to run for President in 2016 because he was born in Canada. Here is what Cameron said: ‘And Rubio’s not the GOP’s only Latino up-and-comer. Texas freshman Ted Cruz’s feisty Senate debut had some Tea Partiers noting that in 2016, he’d have as much Senate experience as President Obama did when he first ran. But Cruz was born in Canada and is constitutionally ineligible.’ My first reaction was that I should make a call to Maricopa Country Sheriff Joe Arpaio to see if he can send his Cold Case Posse to Calgary to expose such un-American developments."


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