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Thursday, October 14, 2010

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Describes Sarah Palin's Simplistic Rantings As Moron Mongering!

Lawrence O'Donnell described Sarah Palin's simplistic rants as Moron Mongering. How can someone with such a low level of native intelligence and intellectual curiosity gather so much media attention. What is actually more scary is that there are so many people that share her mentality and think as she does.
John H. Armwood


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Democrats went out and Voted and GOP counted their chickens before they Hatch!

  2. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Our actions speaks louder than words,we need to bring back civility in the Country! Lets go Forward. Were going to clean our Country no one will do it for us! Thank you!
